Day:10 of killing beelzebub with many weapons because I bloody hate him
better duo?
better gay couple ?
Day 6: What character is this?
Who is the most handsome character in Dynasty Warriors?
freakshi ci
Can we all agree that some Simo fans can be so insufferable?
Cannot believe Miyazaki would do this
wheres the tentacles
All of your games are shit
Fuck power scaling, which fighters can beat Elden Ring?
where did the whole "sima shi meatbun" thing come from?
Warriors Orochi Newcomers in a nutshell
Day 5: What character is this?
Cannibal Wife Anastasia
Day in the life of Aphrodite *This is satire*
Who wins?
We deffinitley are getting outshitted
Day:8 of killing beelzebub with many weapons because I bloody hate him
since nobody can properly decide at what point of the shittydarksouls cycle we are, that’s it. we’re going back to 2011 memes.
Record of Ragnarok fan roster Round 4: Edelgard vs Palutena
is there any lore reason why hades is so hot and has the most suckable bazonks?
Adam my goat