"Is this a threat?"🤣🤣🤣🤣
Entitled OW mad her baby trapping plan didn't work, keeping affair child away from family
I found this letter...
If you don't want a family attached to a man, don't fuck a married one.
Karma for the wifestress
It's finally happening!!! I'm finally winning a cheater and destroying a woman's life! Yey me!
They value what their genitals need over their vows. 🤮
These people should never marry
Time for some answers
Cheating on their perfect SOs
Going Legit Implosion 💥
A collection of "Boo Hoo, I'm getting breadcrumbs" complaints from the immoral squad
OW got ghosted overseas
OW got kicked out of MM and wife's gym
Straddling on the fence between the wife and the OW
"MM is in the hospital... Why is he not texting meeeeee????"
Greedy APs needed a third... Got caught
"mE nOt BaD pErSoN"
Side chick is mad that she got potentially caught in MM's house by his PREGNANT wife
Gone Legit Gone Wrong and other good schadenfreude stories
Soooo romantic 😌😌 (I'm not the OP, i have standards)
His evil wife forced him to post for Valentine's!!!
The one-uppery is hilarious
Hey, betrayed spouse. You are not the problem.
Another fun legit story