Is it worth using all of my rare candy to evolve my hundo Magikarp?
Be honest when was the last time you thought of this mob:
Offering BG scuba pikachu giveaway; looking for see below
Parents let 9 year old get a tattoo.
The mirror never lies
Explain it Peter
My ultimate Streetpass Spot
Why is this mouse never mentioned anymore/ left in the dust
Can anyone identify this inductor or where to buy SW1?
Need helping finding this component
Would anyone be able to identify this inductor on a old 3ds XL?
Yeah. I’ll complain about 12.
Magician performs magic tricks for shelter dogs to show off their personalities and help them get adopted
Is it worth getting Shelly to level 11 for the free HC?
Anime only currently reading LN tier list of girls
Christmas Presents from my Wife
Mozaic Giveaway: System_65 Keyboard Kit
Neo Giveaway: 2 Neo65s, 1 Neo Ergo, and 1 Neo75Cu
How beautiful this model is! This is my date with New Nintendo 3DS in white color 😍
Ok that’s pretty sick
Bought this 3ds but chargers loose you think it’s the cable or the port
Honestly, I'm done being tank or support.
Offering Cosmog. Looking for nothing. Guess how many hours defending Gyms I have. Winner tomorrow.
Closing off 2024
Do you build drunk cause I do