What Kind Of Species Do You Have?
The Rules Of Gaining The Light
Battle shonens were never about hard work getting you anywhere.
What do your characters do in their free time?
Media that fails to properly sell the destructive power of water magic (and similar powers)
In your fantasy world does outer space exist along with planets and stars?
What kind of Laws, Pacts, or Treaties exist in your setting?
Where to find Audiobooks?
What happens to a Throne World after its owner dies permanently?
What materials are good for cybernetic limbs?
I'm tired of heroes acting like cops and only complaining about the law when they're subjected to it
How are magic items made in your setting?
What does your magic look like?
My Frustrations With The Race Swapping Discourse
How do you feel about stories with multiple different power/magic systems?
Is seeing into the Ethereal good/practical?
What are some tropes you absolutely cannot stand? Additionally, what would you like to see more of?
How to justify aliens wanting to have slaves?
How Do You Supply Oxygen To Your Colonies?
🔮Magic School: White, Black, & Grey Necromancy
Can your healing magic cause harm?
How Do You Power Your Spaceships?
I actually hate jinx from arcane
Characters with loads of abilities/powers aren't fun
The Logic In Eris' Throne World