Do all reptiles have the capacity to grow feathers, like dinosaurs?
Did any pterosaurs have full/mostly scales rather than Pycnofibers?
Would you have preferred a younger Hal? I know we know nothing about the plot but just in general.
Why is "demanding someone's resignation" a thing I hear about? Is it because the people demanding it don't have firing power? If so, what's the power of it?
Why are white people stupid?
The virgin prepper vs the CHAD Warlord
"You're a Hero. . . and you have to Leave."
A cool guide to the lesser known slave trades affecting Europe
German police's quick reaction to a guy doing the Nazi salute
Intergalactic Sensory Translators
What if Airships/Zeppelins never fell out of use?
Japanese pilot with f-35 helmet (helmet costs around 200.000$)
“Angel’s Boneyard, 2160.”
What Roblox game do you play the most?
Spore is the worst thing to happen to NMS.
New vs Old Designs #59: New California Republic Flag! (Re-upload)
Why isn't there a southern chapter of the brotherhood of steel?
How to get more out of your home workout
Billionaires are not inherently bad
People need to stop pretending they don’t hate the classics.
Imagine if Modern Day took place inside of the house
Give me your actual real Fallout hot takes
What would you guys bring into the real world if you could here's mine