What does me art smell like?
I love taking pictures of the sunset/clouds. Which ones are your faves?
*Big sigh*
Most popular board game
100th ‘duck curve’ day marks New England solar power milestone.
I need help. Im not kidding
"pentatonic" improvisation
Not enough CSP supremacy in this sub. Behold the glory of Ivanpah’s 0.09$/kWh
All I could think of was this subreddit
What you guys think of this?
Went to my buddies rental before a bachelor party and immediately snapped a pic of this 12 gang receptacle and cover
Got the Minilogue! Any begginers tips or advice?
Mr Dowland’s Midnight P99
Is there another song out there like Taswell?
Minilogue bass still gets me heated every time
need someone to do this with a synth
Realistic latex head
DAWless is funless without the FUN machine
Me playing live about 20 years ago
Eastern service workers association (ESWA)
keyboards can, sort of, be guitars...
rainbow minilogue!
Synths similar to the EMS Synthi AKS for under several thousand?
Need to be quicker around explosives kid
Place we moved into has Barbarian level bomb shelter in backyard
Who do I look like?