My SR-17018 story 🚥 (not the usual )✅
I can’t take xans anymore
Drop ya favorite lowk thugga tracks
I tried SR-17018🚥 my report (not the usual)✅
Opana the best opiate of all time no comparison
SR-17018 storage?
Does anyone know the dosing info for SR-17018?
Had to pop the seal on this bitch 🥲
Opana the best here’s my scores this week 🪙😭
Where does Yeat rank in your list of favourite rappers right now?
In 5 days clean of prescription oxy
I’ve been smoking cigs and taking kratom day 5 withdrawal
How does opioid withdrawals last?
going thru wds, took 6mg xan and still don’t feel anything.
i love fentanyl
Getting clean
I found dilaudud but one problem
Need advice
QC Jordan 1 L&F Chicagos
These are clean👌