What Yugitubers do you prefer for their analytical side?
Can you practice with loaner decks?
Could I have dodge the defeat?
Tell us who your Main is using ONLY vaguely related images
Took the maxx C Challenge, that was awesome. I wish I could have pop with Dragoon tho, this guy is literally a better Baronne.
Post your main/favorite deck and the comments will complain about it
Why are people allowed to play ranked with less than three items?
What character you glaze like this and why?
What song is this?
I have no words
Imagine pornor made ad about their slot machines like those games, would you still download it? [Discussion]
Who wins? The joker (dc) vs Dallas (payday 1, 2 and 3)
What if Blue Eyes was powered by green?
Give me a Character that CAN'T Beat Homelander.
It's the new trend in here
As a Hulk main i often find in this situation of "Now what do i do with this guy..." when i team up. Any tips?
Why do most players on the ladder not even bother to check Gimmick Puppet players?
Where would Aang Scale compared to My Hero Academia?
Im the necessary angry guy of the subreddit, AMA
What are your BDSMtest.org results? Here are mines
Need some advice in teaching my girlfriend how to play.
What is the funniest thing that this guy ever did or said?
Do your OCs fight "fair"?