Terrible news everyone
Got a marked down chuck roast, need some recipes for anything other than pot roast
Send me your cat photos, I’ll doodle them ^^
Who are your famous AFK players?
Can we start a sleeping cat photo thread please?
Post your cat pic in the comments and I'll make a quick sketch!
What was I telling you guys
Cats keep fighting and I'm at a loss
Cat is angry and not sure how to help
Other fictional character with a Shadow the Hedgehog vibe?
Question for those who haven't sterilized themselves
Someone wanted to "pray for me" again, I came prepared this time!
Picto mad we called them out and had to join in on fight now lmao
Testing streams?
How to keep my cat from knocking over my computer monitors?
FFXIV YouTube channels recommendations
I guess everyones perception of “poor” is very different
Ready for the next Controversy?
How many of you canceled Thanksgiving because of how your relatives voted?
To those who voted for Trump…
Buckle Up Everyone!
WIBTA for telling my Mom I don’t want her dating?
Bikers waving
Making a blanket, can't find anything about adding darts, if that's what they're called?