Sperm counts around the world have halved over the past 50 years. Why?
What is a hard to quit good habit?
You've been quoted as saying 'I don't care about rich people dying'. Why did you say that?
Which species is using most of earth's resources?
Which movie is truly entertaining?
You don't like Wes Anderson films. Why?
Which movie is about nothing at all and just ends randomly?
What was, hands down, the worst movie you watched in your life?
What will help with seasonal allergies?
What will you be willing to do for your country?
You are far less anxious these days. Why?
You stopped seeking external validation. Why?
You can be fully invisible on Sundays or you get unlimited snacks and drinks for rest of your life. What will you choose?
You can terminate terms of any six political leaders from anywhere, anytime you want or you can have 500 million dollars. What will you choose?
What is comparable to man landing on moon?
What is society afraid of?
When did having mental illness become cool?
What is one thing that you get worse at the more you practice?
Which story is as old as time?
Titanic sub's oxygen has now ran out. What now?
People who don't like Succession, why?
What were the best potato chips you ever had?
What is the worst part of sex for you?
Elon Musk could be in that submarine. How would you feel then?
Our billionaires are dying under ocean while we are sitting here doing nothing. Why?