Bitesized BEC thread February 01, 2025 - February 02, 2025
Is the Musselburgh really all that?
Does anyone have the NYTimes chocolate babka recipe saved?
Weekend Minor Gripes and Vents
[WIP] Show us ya WIP's
Snow boot recs for wide foot/toe box?
Summer Garden Flower blanket - finished!
What are your best bread proofing hacks?
I tried to print fake money for a Christmas prank and my printer wouldn't let me
Peecun peecan puhcan puhcan peccon puhcons or peecons
Loaf #3, better, but still some improvement needed
What's your starter's name?
2nd loaf had a bit of a blowout
My cookie/treat boxes!
Anybody experiencing REALLY bad lag right now?
Todays my 37th birthday and I think I’ve finally made something worthy of this sub
My humble cookie box offering for this year
Baking with a one year old is difficult but I somehow assembled my Christmas cookie boxes
Yesterday, i asked for help with Carl's starter. Today...
Help reviving Carl's starter please
Heritage starter from 1847!
Tried a new dessert for Thanksgiving - Peanut butter brownie cookies!
[CHAT] For those who only buy PDF patterns…
[CHAT]- Thread Waste and organization