H: Berry mentats? W: Someone to farm first (Robot) raid boss with.
W: Overeater & Anti Armor Mods H: Fasnacht Masks & Caps
H: apparel (see description) w: other apparel or leaders
H: Bobbleheads W: Caps (750 caps per BBH)
H: All Fas masks besides WInter and GAlien W: Leader offers
H: leaders, coffee, w: Tesla science 9
H:3k leaders w: reflective & or rare apparel (nothing else)
H: Leaders W: AA mod box
(PS4) H:4* mod list W:5× Miasmas
H: max caps W: super stims
H: a lot of stuff (see description) w: (see description)
W: Anti-Armor mod and overeaters H: Caps
H: 35k Caps W: Pounder's mod
H:Caps W:Stimpack
H: Rangers W:Conductors
H: Urban Scout Armor Mask W: 4* mods
H: Glowing Turkey, Pig W: Mod Bundles
H: 150 leaders W: Ultricite Jetpack Helmet
W: Belted Mod H: Caps and other Mods
H: caps and some 4 star mods W: pyromaniac's mod
H: bloodied,rapid, pyromaniacs and/or pounders W: thru hikers
H:4 Reflective W: 80 leader each 300 for all.
H:400 coffee per W: Pinpointers and Rangers mods
H: apparel (see description) w: other apparel or reflective
H: Loon W: OE mods