She became a billionaire by doing this?
The greatest Pop Star of the 21st century y'all 😎👑
How is she so stiff??
I was watching Liar Liar and someone looked familiar
Worst "metal" take from a non-metal person
Narrators so good you can't listen to them read anything else
Day 10! Who is hated by fans and a horrible person?
I just think it’s funny how…..
What is she doing with her left hand? I wonder if she was embarrassed when she saw these clips online.
who is such a gifted actor who was absolutely wasted in their acting role?
What's the kindest interaction you've ever had on Reddit?
What’s your favourite non-Doctor Who thing a Doctor actor has done?
Which narrator on audible is an instant Yes for you
Alot of subs are doing this so maybe corrie should hop on the trend. Who is a good person loved by fans?
Welches YouTube Video guckt ihr Mindestens einmal im Jahr ?
Taylor Swift themed nursery 🥴
Tell me your favorite doctor who character…
I’ve been watching too much Criminal Minds.
Saw this in another sub and thought it’d be fun to try it here! Who is a good person and loved by fans? Top comment wins!
Give me anything and I’ll connect it to Criminal Minds!
Demi Moore needs to be cast as Gale Weathers’ sister in a future Scream movie
I just had my first good Tinder date since my husband passed.
Who is your celebrity crush?
"I'm American and don't care about UK politics, and haven't had to care about it since 1776." - on a post about Doctor Who episodes under different UK governments
What can’t you look at the same way again after watching horror movies (or even a specific movie)?