What’s happening with my succulents leaves?
Looks like the automatons have infiltrated super earth major orders
The opps got the eye of sauron, Ubanea ain’t gonna get liberated
Massive game bug stopping exp and requisition
I didn’t get my medals
My samples fell down a hole 😭
Looking for this ship with a good supercharged slot layout if possible
Is there a galactic trade terminal in the anomaly?
I will give away 30K coins to everyone in the comments in 24 hours! FUCK Reddit Coins
Crazy draw is going on
I join too, i'll give away 10k coins to everyone in the comments in 24 hours!
What's the funniest ship name you've found?
This reapers bounty was not attaching to the harpoon and I couldn’t grab it
Um why can I flip my screen vertical
Used a glitched primed tnt block for a monument
Monument with glitched primed tnt
UPDATE: the box is a geocache, it was open in the back
This metal box on by the sea
This metal box I found while walking along the coast
Who is a bad guy in history who actually wasn’t a bad guy?
Massive fire at a metal manufacturing plant in Bedford Ohio after multiple explosions took place earlier in the day
Share your 4 in the comments📣
At least 82 children in Ohio infected with measles, more than half of whom are unvaccinated babies and toddlers
Protest in Paris as of 15 minutes ago.
Cursed sexism