My Jalapeño and Tomato Jars
This has gotten out of control
Sock Jars!
First time trying Kratky!
Dragon baby updates 🤩
Anyone else 🥶
What have I done?
First Time User! Wish Me Luck!
Eevee and Vulpix. As usual one is way more disapproving than the other! 😅😒
Rent Increase like crazy in Bay Area
Daily Chat Thread - December 26, 2021
Do some people really only work like 10 hours a week and get paid for 40? If so, what is your job title and how do I get that job?
Children in the dog park.
Is job searching really that hard?
Ever seen a bidet in a public place / business (U.S.)?
General Chat October 20
SF vaccine mandate now in effect for indoor bars, restaurants, gyms, more
Do y’all ever just break down and cry out of frustration even though you love your puppy so much?
Meet Vulpix! Eevee now has a little sister 💕
Discussion Thread: Joint Session of Congress for Counting of Electoral College Ballots Continues | 01/06/2021 | Live - 8:00pm ET | Part III
Coronavirus face coverings under the nose equivalent to ‘not wearing a mask’: experts
I'm 33. Starting my CS degree on Monday!
Eevee is having a good Saturday ~
Expired soylent
Pro raw diet vet in Bay Area, CA?