How do you prevent going a lot of years without a romantic relationship?
Should you give up if you can’t get in love on the spectrum?
What causes a girl to be depressed in a relationship?
Have you ever had a positive experience when being interested in a women or dating?
Is a relationship really worth it if the best you can do is a one sided relationship?
Is it possible for your match or the girl your supposed to date not exist?
Is it ableist to believe that autistic people should only date other autistic people?
When people try to talk to you how often do you feel they are genuinely being friendly?
Can someone explain this dynamic?
Is being ugly and having no girl pick you better then dating a girl who believes she superior to you?
Does dating feel like being picked last in gym class or for a group assignment?
When it comes to dating what matters appearance or personality?
Does your social value depend on your relationship status?
What is the most compatible partner for someone with autism
Are autistic people more prone to heartbreak and suffering due to believing people have the best interests of them?
How do you learn to see signs early in a relationship that someone isn’t right before your in too deep
Have you ever had someone use reverse psychology in a breakup?
Would most of these interests push women away?
Have you lost the ability to trust people who try to come into your life?
Is this narcissist behavior?
How is your support network
Have you ever been blamed for your partners weight gain in your relationship?
Have you ever thought that you would never get another relationship after a breakup?
Have you ever reflected on lost time before?
Is this a ableist statement?