Please never lower ranks by 7 again
Why do I feel so stupid playing these games?
how come in ranked games my randoms are terrible and the other teams are like the fuckin avengers???
I’m about to crashout
One Sided Matches
How dare I make up an analogy
Game failed to load error 111
Chrono Tokens
If you talk shit to your teammates in the first half, you probably won’t see a comeback in the latter.
I've been underestimating Cap's potential
Okay but this combo is beautiful!
App zum Tracken der Läufigkeit
Wir lieben Hunde, aber …
The only patch note I want to see
"Bro where are the heals???" Me in the backline getting killed by the enemy Spider-Man for the millionth time:
Honestly how many sims owners lock there door even though there are no robberies or zombies? Cause I keep my sim door locked just makes it seem cozier I think.
Bans should be for ALL ranks. This is not fun. At all.
Marvel Rivals Vs Marvel’s Avengers cosmetic comparison
Bin ich unnormal, weil ich total auf dem Papa meiner besten Freundin stehe?
74-Jähriger fährt, Kind verliert Schneidezähne
Advice please
Ist das wirklich eine gute "Erziehungsmethode"?
Every insta-lock dps player when they "had a good game"
My younger golden retriever (2 yrs) suddenly went after my older golden (~7 yrs), drawing blood.