dang, Chinese cards are actually not bad at all.
Please don’t quit the hobby because of the state of the Pokéconomy, just buy singles
i'll be that guy
frankie loves me so much
Is this auction rigged?
Is anything good?
only one box of evolving skies am I lucky?
My parents are moving and returned all my childhood stuff.
Some pulls from yesterday. What do you think?
I think i pulled a rare misprint??
My mother made this Totoro sweater for me!
This hobby is a joke 😭
What should I do with this card? Its a mythical card
Found this on the ground, is it real?
Decided to buy a booster box of SV base. How’d I do?
recent card show pickup
Pulled these from the same boosterbox :)
Who’s excited to get none of these booster bundles this week. 👋
When are the pre-orders and where can I get one?
Cynthia’s Garchomp ex SAR !
I think Bestbuy actually has stock.
Told myself I wasn't going to buy any Prismatic, but saw a tin for sale at GameStop and went for it. After this pull, I'm definitely done lol.
Grade it as you wish?🙏🏻
Got lucky with a Twilight Masquerade booster box through Best Buy drops, then pulled this!
Wife was not amused. Or even slightly excited.