You've just been told the exact time and date of your death. How are you living the rest of your life?
Doctors, tell us about the cases when the patient almost died because of his stupidity?
What's one paranormal experience that you still think about alot to this day?
What form of comforter/soother did you have as a child?
What confirms he's a man?
As a early mid game player with 15m coins in bank (can easily get more) are god pots worth it
Is their a way to intsa clear a garden plot
Why can't I craft Wand of Mending
Is their something that is like hypixel skyblock but not hypixel skyblock
Idk man
Tell me
What's your favorite card type
Is TGCplayer like worse or something because why is everything cheaper on it?
What's the best way to give my creatures deathtouch?
How do i chat
What boss gave you that hardest time on master mode your first time? Sad to say, Mine was queen Bee
Step parents, how did you feel after your step kids told you "I love you" for the first time ?
What do you often regret?
What’s something dangerous you’ve done? Do you regret it?
Gay men of reddit, when did you have to break the news to a girl who had a crush on you that you were gay?
What do people need to shut up about?
If you or your spouse is going out for a night on the town with friends, what’s a reasonable amount of time out?
What is the science behind cringing when an older generation uses a younger generation's slang?
What's the cheapest gas price yall remember?