Update: Mom Defends Making My Suicidal Thoughts About Her
Hey Mom, I started cleaning up my apartment!
A chronical of a micromanaging, controlling Stepmom (Part Two)
A chronical of a micromanaging, controlling Stepmom
Fuck zodiac signs, would you have done it or not?
Give me Your fav songs
A chronical of a micromanaging, controlling Stepmom (Part Three)
Been a lurker for awhile. Finally felt confident enough to Post <3
Throwback to when my Dad tried to meet up with me after 4 years of me going No Contact.
Mom makes my suicidal thoughts about her.
Crying Blood?
HRT is the best Antidepressant 🙂
Watering the Livestock
Befriending a White Crow Dream Meaning
I thought this would be fun here. I'll go first, Ketchup is an abomination
A BLÅHAJ inspired meme
Take Notes
The Transphobes are at it again in the comments after a young Transgirl in Orange County Florida is crowned Homecoming Queen! Please go and send her some love!