Le rat : discret, prudent, intelligent et très proche de l'Homme ...
My deep-fried hearthstone machine. LOL
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First decks
Marvin Murdock should have been a member of Inazuma Japan
Are you fucking kidding me
Weekly Uniques Megathread
We need Olric as a Romance Character
3 person, 3 boosters each, 3 uniques....
New Card: Skadi
GIVEAWAY ALERT two boster boxes for the community
appareil interdit
Good ol' Olric. Never change, man.
Mail de feldup
Tinfoil "Unable to start software"
First booster in a while
How many of you discovered Inscryption through the [SPOILER] ARG ?
ISAAC THINGIFIED! Showcase #2 - The second series of monsters!
[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 of 50 The Great Dark Beyond Pre-Purchase Bundles!
Why are some mods disappearing?
I was playing with my mom. Both had 3 Souls. She was having so much fun strategizing to win. Time to show her how it works in FourSouls land.
Our silly modpack now on steam workshop!!!!!!!1!!1!
How do you make custom cards?
Say something really nice to Saint Charlos
Luffy ship question