Forgotten Lands Region
Vaping indoors
Is this controller real? I need it's sixaxis for mgs4 I plan on buying it
My reaction to that information
Mall Ninja's in their natural environment
Nazis training for war (Patriot Front leaked tapes)
Sandwich my dad likes to eat, raw ground beef with raw onions and white pepper on hard bread.
Heads up ! Almost all the western part done
Mangashop in Prague
Tuna with sriracha sauce and later some tabasco habanero
PC vs PS4
What is your favourite game no one is talking about?
What experiments/tests do you think the government are doing that we have no idea about?
Gamers of Reddit, what are your weird/funny/epic/interesting stories from your MMORPG?
What's something that seems obvious in your profession, but the general public seems to misunderstand?
Who is there weirdest classmate or coworker you ever had?
What is the biggest dating WTF you’ve experienced?
What is the worst job you have ever had?
After you survive the apocalypse, what will your job be?
My gf just made these :) . What do you think, guys?