Best province to teach and escape anxiety?
What say you our Canadian friends?
Overstepping Boundaries & Undermining Authority
wonder if she paid someone to take the bar exam for her
The thickness of the cheese in the baps in my local pub.
Fun times
AITA for not letting my boyfriend stay with me and making him sleep on the street?
Does anyone believe that PP will "axe the tax" ?
Votre expérience avec les angryphones
What are the benefits of having a state-sponsored propaganda network that wastes a billion dollars+/yr?
My little toes nails grow but the big one doesn’t - all were painted the same day in October 10+ weeks ago
[18 F] literally anything at all
AITA for being frustrated with a woman that helped me despite the fact that I refused her help when she asked?
Anxiety when adults are in the room ?
hi!! what makeup looks/hair styles can help me improve!
Had some ugly comments about my nose. I thought it was fine but I don’t know now.
Would Canadians support a flat rate income tax of 20-30% with no exemptions/reductions? Historically lower tax rates has resulted in higher overall revenue as individuals stop avoiding/cheating taxes.
Hair dye help
AITA for buying a ps5 without my boyfriend and saying it's mine?
Why has Trump continued to pick on Canada but apparently forgotten about Mexico? Why have we not worked closely with Mexico to counter the tariffs? Apparently the Mexicans have a better approach than we do.
Help please!!!
Why do US forces pretend Canadian troops won't give them the business? Sniper category alone
Dear Canadians, please describe his legacy with just one word
22 F tummy tuck? Lip fillers?