Gratis Blasen in Mainz?
Arbeitsvertrag - Lektion gelernt
No, YouTube, I will not subscribe to Premium
Studium abbrechen nach 4 Semestern?
BIDA wenn ich ein eventuelles Plagiat beim Prof anschwärze?
Why buy an SCHD when you can cherry-pick its stocks?
Café Spunk in Weimar schließt wegen ständiger Angriffe
Ortex Guy here with your 6/10 Opening Bell Ortex Update. SI being weird, Shares on Loan at ATH at 190M. Utilization at 100% for the 86th day. DTC and CTB climbing… Current Mood: looking forward to the fake 80M share dump destined to occur soon with those borrowed but not shorted shares being loaned
r/place Time capsule #1 (from 2022 to 2027)
r/Place ist zurück!
Krypto und Meme Aktien. Die beste Mischung. Kein Finanzieller Rat.
ohh boy are we in for bumpy ride today. Keep digging hedgefuks!
Dog spotted at Malibu Car Meeting.
Ortex Guy here with your 2/11 Opening Bell Ortex Update. SI hits 22%, ATH I believe, shares on loan even higher today and utilization to the max again. Current Mood: things really feel like they are brewing.
Ortex update ... They removed millions of shares already after hours. The 6.53 MILLION SHARES is gone. WTF?
Post MOASS question:
$22.99 -- the power of Call Options ITM and manipulation of a stock price
Ortex Guy here with your 12/17 mid-day Ortex Update. SI holding above 20%, DTC and Loaned amounts high . Current Mood: I’m not saying this price action makes me feel superstitious… but a little stitious for sure
What song will play in your head if/when you see the price reach 2M+ a share?
Ortex Guy here with your 12/08 Opening Bell Ortex Update. DTC Highest since before the Jan run up. But look at that juice SI and how fast it's climbed up… Current Mood: Today a man knocked on my door and asked for a small donation toward the local swimming pool. I gave him a glass of water.
Wann steht ihr morgens auf?
No way this post and all the comments will get the Snek award!
Habt ihr jemals im echten Leben einen nervigen/aufdringlichen Vegetarier/Veganer kennengelernt?
Wen Moon?
News neovacs 05.09.2021