Only true fans get this
The best villain in the whole franchise
What is the entire timeline behind the who feud with Logan and Chilly?
logan is actually a POS
All season endings from worst to best
Should the show have ended with Season 4?
Will Johnny make a cameo in KKL?
Say your favourite Eminem song without giving us the title
Healthbars of everyone after the Sekai Taikai brawl
I created a novelisation of the movie
Is this Ehren?
I have seen Cobra Kai season 6 part 2 AMA
Which episode will Silver come back?
Most disappointing film you've watched would be _____
Pulp Fiction is the Bohemian Rhapsody of Cinema
The symbolism of Mia and Vincent's plot
What Cobra Kai opinion will leave you in this position?
I want to use my Casio CA-53W while lap swimming. Is that okay?
I have a dilemma
All seasons ranked based on how good Jesse is
Johnny’s phones throughout the Show
I know the reason of Johnny and Daniel’s arguments this season
Which character comes to mind?
Will Cobra Kai go TV-MA/MA15+ for season 6?