Ich war jetzt das erste mal wählen und ich hab die AfD gewählt trotz Migrationshintergrund
How many here affiliate or are diagnosed as neurodivergent?
Ungarn: Prozess gegen Maja T. hat begonnen
Joe Rogan and Magnus Carlsen talk about quitting playing video games.
Robert Habeck erwartet „sehr starkes AfD-Ergebnis“ bei der Bundestagswahl - WELT
Woher kommt dieser Hanau Fetisch?
German state police raid a home
Analysis I
The white-hot hatred that fuels successful looksmaxxers
Annalena Baerbock setzt sich für Hammerbanden-Terroristen ein
Gleiten große Teile des linksliberalen Teils von reddit in die Schwurbler-Ecke ab?
Asians are the only race where women were more likely to vote for Trump
I watched home videos from my childhood and it was so triggering I had to turn them off almost immediately
Ich bin diesen Monat in die Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes aufgenommen worden. AMA!
BMFSFJ - Straftaten gegen Frauen und Mädchen steigen in allen Bereichen
Anybody else was incredibly stuck up as a teen and as young adult?
20m (probably gay) my parents house in romania
Men definitely need a body positivity movement like the women have
straight women who put their biggest fear as “men” on hinge
this is so gay
Women fascinate me
Feeling like I’m the “good enough to sleep but not date” woman
Is it true men under 6 feet can’t even donate their sperm?
My boyfriend can’t deal with losing