What am I doing wrong (alchemist)
What TV shows do you always watch the opening credits for?
Think I came up with a way of saving time during Sprint Planning?
Opinions of Street Sects?
Who of you got into Magic after being YuGiOh fans but not liking the current state of the game?
What bands are at the absolute BOTTOM of the Industrial Rock/Metal/Nu trashcan?
Beyond Kanban and Scrum
Worldly Industrial?
What is a play in a game of Magic that probably made your opponent go, "what the?!?!"
It’s actually insane how much undeserved popularity Kendrick Lamar has
Card seller sent the wrong cards
Any Aesthetic Perfection Fans Here?
Actual underrated album
What’s your pick for the finest album in industrial?
What was your favorite card artwork of 2024?
Anyone else finding this card elite in the current Standard meta?
What cuisine is australia just shit at ?
Stressed ? Ok thanks you're fired
Any YelworC fans here?
mind.in.a.box - Lost Alone 2
Cheap eats I guess?
Story Point Help
Isn't agile a mini waterfall ?
Building AI Agents Trading Crypto - help wanted
# of Sprints