Just how insane would shin be if he had an alaya vijnana implanted?
Yuan means Circular
What would you remove from War Robots?
All Faction Character Themes Summarized
Jane Doe
Car jack timing, is key.
How sexy would you rate Zhu Yuan?
Vinfast got burned
Yo Gundam Crocs!!!
Who is the most attractive fox ?
My first MG gunpla as my late birthday gift.
Is this good?
What are you guys most hated character design? For me it's yelan
MSM-07S Z'Gok Commander Type
New Chronicled Wish Banner
Transformers Prime: Galvatron's Revenge Full Rendered Movie
ZZZ themselves paid him a commission to do this MASTERPIECE.
For which character/s will you be pulling for in 5.3?
How we like our robot combine
High-Precision Character Animation for Miyabi
Tied Evelyn @Mintz912
The Pipe