What means of transportation do you have by the time you hit 30k?
Muškarci, da li je ovo istina?
Is you national flag controversial in your country?
50% of the Dutch don't wash their hands after using the toilet.
Anyone know how to fix constant traffic jams?
Izvinjavam se ako je los trenutak. Ali vec nekoliko dana radim na ovome i hocu da podelim sa nekim. Pokusavam da napravim Beograd u Cities Skylines 2. Sta mislite?(za sad pokusavam samo ulice sve da napravim pa cu posle da pocnem i zgrade)
РТВ Словенија о протесту у Београду! Да ли Драган Бујошевић директор РТС-а зна за срамоту?
Are Greeks white?
Which would you prefer: having a son or a daughter? What would be your reason for that choice?
Do you get offended when you hear people talk bad about your country?
Do little kids in your country particularly or overtly nationalistic compared to teenagers or adults or are they more apolitical in that regard?
Na jučerašnjim antivladinim protestima ispred Ustavnog suda se moglo vidjeti više studenata sa zastavom Republike Srpske. Sad još više gotivim studente!
Da li devojke nesvesno biraju muškarce poput svog oca?
Hint: it’s not in the Netherlands
My first run since the update, my 4th or 5th overall. First time trying to go Emergency path all the way
Good bye blokker😔
Gotovo je otkrili su nas
Šta kažete na Austrijsko skretanje u desno
Злочин без казне - обележене 32 године од страдања Срба у Кравици
How to run a massive surplus at 15k population?
How to be desirable to women?
Da li je ovo realno?
Asylum seekers 'drain money from Dutch state for generations', says new study
Who in your family has a beard pattern most similar to yours?