sports ?
NEED Advice !!!! about potentially trying to medically withdraw from Orgo 2
College Struggle Meals?
Tickets for Orlando Fl
VIP prices
Cute things to do with girlfriend
Any update on this?
Classes cancelled?
to my love
Stabbing @lit?
Manifestation made simpler
Manifesting is easy - stop overcomplicating it (success story)
anyone want to be manifesting buddies? pls dm!
Subliminal for thicker/fuller eye brows and eye lashes ?
I manifested my sp in less than 2mins lol
Help manifesting dog out of shelter
Anyone willing to have delulu DM chains?
My understanding of EIYPO, thoughts?
Tips on manifesting an ex back
Is 'living in the end' really that important?
Is this a BBL ?
My SP has a girlfriend
Girls only: Do you find virgins cute?
I got my SP back
Im a bit past my breakup and I’m starting to feel excited about life, what are the things you’ve appreciated since your breakup?