If your friend got rich, what would you do?
What is your vision for Israel?
If the concepts of left & right were created today, liberty vs. authority would arguably be a more useful dichotomy than equality vs. hierarchy.
When choosing color for your flair, did you go off the political compass definitions for them?
Is there a Gaza genocide, and is there a Uyghur genocide?
We don’t always have to agree, but lets always treat each other with respect.
American leftists, do you hold your nose and vote for liberals bc MAGA is so terrifying, or do you do something else?
What is your opinion on Judaism?
What am I?
What is your opinion on Christianity?
What would it take to kill the highest ranked God in your world?
Do you tell your friends you're a communist or socialist?
What does this say aboutn mw?
Which is more natural, capitalism or socialism?
Basically sums up modern day politics
Hi devs! Is anyone interested in creating an ideology test using this system I created?
Anywhere good to move to? If not, why not set up communes?
Trump just said Spain is a BRICS nation and might impose 100% tarifs on them
Is Trump a Fascist?
Thoughts on corporatism?
Which specific group of Socialists is claiming that "Socialism has never been tried"
Who would win this hypothetical war?
Countries that I think are western.
Is this the real enemy?
'United for Action' — American Catholic cartoon (23 January 1948) showing a Catholic knight calling on all 'Believers in Christ' to battle the communists, 'The Common Enemy'.
Which economic system do you support in the short term?