Should I buy this 99 Honda Civic DX?
In your opinion what is a song that is good but has a Music Video that makes it that much better
We found this downsizing our kitchen, we are keeping but what is it?
Gonna DIY most of this but are these prices insane or is this just book standard? $650 for spark plugs seems ridiculous
Records in sunlight through a window
This house remained intact while the neighborhood burned down
I was told he couldn’t die…
My Orchid has SEEN THINGS and hasn't flowered in years!!
Any ideas what we can do with a random tunnel to nowhere in my office?
Would you be thankful or insulted by this gift 🥴
6 black kittens
Update: My neighbor kept parking in my driveway, so I had her car towed
Mini le creusets. What would you use these for?
Always fun when a delivery comes that you don't remember buying
I laughed at my sister's Tragedeigh and now I'm uninvited to the baby shower I'm planning.
My wife just walked out on me and her 400+ orchids. What should I do with the plants?
Someone tell me
Sharing the Worst Flooring Experience – Not Even Angry, Just Sad
Is this healthy?
My shoe became weird and curvy! Any ideas why?
Could this be better?
Teen shot in the face after seeking permission to take photos, police say
How is the penis not extremely pale for white guys?
Am I just training a root here?