Are we still waiting for true OCR in a PDF over a year later?
The shark mouth face
Another asshole move from Mykelti…
Early 40s married couple & new to town - how the heck do you meet people here?
The out of control name spellings
Crop tool turns background into a layer - help!
Approximate date for old photo?
"We're experiencing technical difficulties. Please refresh this page to try again.'
Could Meri have theoretically walked away with half?
Mykelti is so…..
Meri’s stake in the estate pre-(legal) divorce?
Change table properties for multiple tables simultaneously?
How many of your ancestors do you have atleast 1 photo of?
Real photographs under turn of the century chalk portraits?
Are there real full images underneath antique chalk portraits?
Antique Chalk Portraits - is there a real photo underneath?
Request: include the maiden name for women in your trees and FindAGrave
Is Mykelti having twins again?!
Did Turn On Free Access to
Is something amiss in ONRACville?
Everything reminds me of them…
Automatically crop all photos to original when taken?
Alexa response changes based on command delivery speed
As of 31st of May 2024, Adblock no longer works against YouTube. Anyone know of a Chrome extension or Tampermoneky script that still blocks YouTube ads?