Our doorcam caught my duck chasing away our neighbour’s big dog (wait for it)
Just watched this episode and starting crying I was laughing so hard
Which j Cole song
What’s a cole song u think a lot of people won’t know about ?
What are your favorite methods of consumption, and why?
The center position goes to Robbie, we‘re more than halfway through, guys! ROUND 5: Who is a horrible person that divides the fanbase?
Peterborough G test
Which episode is this for you?
How to stop yourself from getting caught in memories as a stoner?
Just noticing this foreshadowing now
What Drake song is this?
This hits me hard
Just watched corpse bride for the first time and it was so good
Wing slomo
Now for the Ladies: Hottest Guy on the Show?
Our slanted ceiling is perfect for the new projector I just got
Would you hit it or is it too dirty?
Hi! I made a coraline doll of me ( not finished ) but I’ll be selling soon!
Would you date beck in real life
Follow-up on my little door post, I wanted to show what it looks like at night. Reminds me of a galaxy a bit 🥰🥰
Hair loss on lo loestrin?
Maybe the best news of my entire life (if it comes to Canada lol)
What’s your favorite episode?
Favorite HedonismBot Moments