What 4* is everyone using on their armor (non PA)? I’ve been thinking about slapping rangers on mine, but I’m unsure. I don’t use VATs, and I’m full health if anyone has any recommendations. Currently have a full set of OE AP FDC.
[PS5] H: Uny + Bloodied W: Quad 2:1
H: Vipers’ Mod (Or Bruiser’s) || W: Fractured Mod
H: mods W: caps
H: Mods Below W: 1k lead per star // 5k lead per 4 star
[ Courier ] u/Unknown0413’s Courier Page & Feedback Thread
H: 30K CAPS || W: PSYCHOBUFF (100C Each)
H:27k W: steel 2c a piece
H: Quad mod W: Anti armor mod
H: Viper Mod. W: Electricians Mod
H: Pounders Mod W: 35k Caps
Finally !! 😅 Only took me a bit over 100 raids to get
H: reflective, limit breaking, polished and others W: rangers and pin pointers mods
H: USA Mask W: 35k Caps
H: Aegis mod W:Limit breaking
New Year Giveaway!
Lvl 1000 giveaway
H: Aegis W: Pin-Pointer‘s
[PS] H: mods W: miasma / junk / flux / leaders / mags etc
H: x2 Bully, x2 Stablizers, x1 Scanner, x2 Sawbones, x1 Ranger, x1 Pyromancer, x1 Polished, x1 Pin-Pointers, x1 Limit-Breaking, x2 Vipers || W: x5 Aegis (Only) (5:5)
H: glowing masks w: exalted/divine orbs
So heres one. With fasnaucht approaching how do you guys feel?
H: 40K Caps || W: Psycobuff/psychotats (100c each)
PSA: There’s a new bug where everyone but yourself will indefinitely hear every sound from your emotes. Please crouch after emoting, that solves it.