This perfect triangle on ice near me.
Perfect traingle on ice.
Garrus Vakarian 18 cm\7 inch (Mass Effect) - DONE!😍
Who is this little cutie?
Another classic sploot in public from Indy
Had a nice little chat with a scammer today
Who is this? The Netherlands
Heavy smoking for 17 years (this used to be white)
No one got shot. But someone got hit
Dream Woofs (volume up)
James is 2 years!
Border terrier vs fox
James loves to go to the forrest!
voice your opinions
Ik kwam deze tegen in het wild
Look at my Garrus Statue!
I wouldn't have been laughing if'd know what happened to Frodo
It's that time again
Who is my friend? The Netherlands.
So I’m not a dragonball fan, but is this correct?
Being treated for scabies but I’m unsure if it’s that of eczema
Baudet beantwoord kijkersvragen.
It's a sick new armour ngl.
I've put the two videos together and brightened them, you can see a lot of the new armour now.
N7 Day 2023 + r/masseffect Cake Day Celebration, News, Giveaways, & More! [megathread]