What kind of additional rooms would people like to see added?💭
Shortening a Religious name or changing it entirely
Am I M22 allowed to be mad at my Girlfriend F21 for not coming to my niece funeral that is out of state
What's a dead giveaway someone grew up as an only child?
AITA because I agreed that our mom is the reason my sister is dying?
AITA for mentioning to my wife that we could take our 5 year old boy to see someone?
My girlfriend F/23 received quite a few expensive gifts on Christmas from Me M/21 and my family. Since then her behavior has turned nasty/manipulative and ended up breaking up with me. What can I do?
AITA for telling my grandma's sister she should stop caring about our family and take a look at her daughters?
31M Struggling with My 28F Wife’s Inappropriate Timing and Lack of Consideration When Expressing Feelings Over Deceased Ex – How Can We Balance Support and Boundaries in Our Relationship?
How do I tell my best friend she’s not my maid of honor?
My (49M) wife (50F) doesn't want to talk about her lies from 20 years ago
Am I (20m) in the right for not accepting my gf (20f)’s name change and encouraging her not to do it?
Husband learned about my brother's sex life and now he's jealous. How do I (34F) give my husband (36M) more PDA and exciting sex when it makes me so uncomfortable?
Venue is saying rehearsal will be 3 days before the wedding. We aren't happy.
AITA for ignoring my grandmather because "I don't respect her"?
I 32F is controlling in my marriage with my husband 34M. Is this bad?
Indecisive over my child's name
AITAH for Not Pursuing a Relationship After Learning My Date is Transgender?
AITA for only getting a college graduation gift for my 28M son and not my DIL 28F?
Funeral home cremated my dad with his jewelry on
Does anyone know of any companies that make life sized mannwquinns of fictional characters?
How do I tell my wife (37F), who has BPD, that she is losing me (37M) and our 9 and 11 year old?
My (27M) parents want me to eventually end my relationship with my gf (33F)
Hypothetical children from past relationships?
Naming baby after Paw Patrol