WTW for a representative of majority saying something about minorities without knowing anything about their problem, their issues and their culture? There should be some word like gatekeeping.
Does morbid obesity make you socially invisible, especially in terms of sexual relationships?
How common is it for U.S.-born Hispanics to have English as their first language rather than Spanish?
Would Kant be a theist if he knew about the theory of evolution?
What does modern Bible scholars think about David Strauss's work "The Life of Jesus"?
Was Hegel an atheist?
The Life of Jesus by David Strauss or The Quest of the Historical Jesus by Albert Schweitzer?
What subjects are taught in theology departments at universities?
Favourite books of Iron Maiden members
Stupid question concerning Heidegger and French philosophy
Slavic homeland hypotheses
Religion in German schools
German theology books
Are the eastern lands of Germany still different in terms of development from the western ones? Is the legacy of the GDR felt strongly there today?
Help me resolve a conflict of conscience
The problem of evil: Why I don’t believe in God.
Why are Lutheran countries so strongly secular and atheistic?
Modern totalitarian states according to the Democracy index
How to get rid of fear for incidents that could happen?
Could you recommend documentaries about the Finno-Ugric peoples?
What is the relationship between the Mordovian and Balto-Finnish languages?
My explanation of religiosity in third world countries
What is the easiest Uralic language for a non-Uralic language native speaker to learn?
Feudalism in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Do ethnic Hungarians assimilate and lose their native language in Slovakia, Romania, etc.?