Bez wstydu aka SHAMELESS 2012
Survive embracing hell and heaven
1971 born, still smash or pass?
Everything is a copy of a copy of a copy...
I'm just here to show my married boobs and make you hard
Debating Nietzsche's arguments
Dard divorce 2007
So true
Does anyone have tips on how to get rid of all this acne??
If you stayed to watch and jerk off, tell me how old you are
Married men only, is my body unattractive to you? My husband said they are but I think he's just being mean
You are asked to rename Earth, what are you calling it?
The thought of suicide is a great consolation: by means of it one gets through many a dark night.
Whete can I download Israeli Hebrew movies
Tel Aviv girl gang
wtf do u even do ab this 🤣
Men are un-evolved and primitive.. Are we still trying to make women happy???
I saw an idiot postings about banning American product.. I lost respect for him when he posted it on Twitter
Advice on if i should take accutane or not
What are the best tips for before, during, or after sex to ensure your SO (any gender) has a great time?
Am I.... ugly?
What do you do if you lay awake for hours unable to sleep because you can't turn your brain off?
What causes death more than people realize? (Serious)