Protecting children
I finally figured out a succinct way to explain why using the word 'female' instead of 'woman' is misogynistic
Why does the online left hate centrist so much?
Another W to the Right.
Où se trouve la liasse fiscale d'une SASU sur le site des impôts ?
La venue de Donald Trump en France pour la cérémonie de réouverture de Notre-Dame, un coup diplomatique pour Emmanuel Macron
The political compass of various disorders ( Revised )
Gen Z swinging right
Why are men’s gender roles stuck in the 20th century?
Democrat states set to lose 12 electoral votes to red states
Weird thing in my genital area. Anyone know what is it?
Hope this helps
Do you think it’s possible a teacher to indoctrinate a child into being straight?
Silicon Valley Billionaire Exposes How Biden Admin Weaponized Banking System Against Opponents
21 ballots missing in Minnesota House race that Democrat won by 14 votes
Why are conservatives (generally) more accepting of disagreement/opposing views?
Quel fait est considéré comme faux par la grande majorité alors qu'en fait c'est vrai ?
With 99% Of The Votes Counted Not Only Did Gen Z Trend Towards the Right, The Entire Country Did! Reddit Truly Doesn't Represent Real Life. Will This Trend Amongst Gen Z Youth Continue?
The contradiction of being anti-police and anti-gun
Why do you think the left largely believes conservatives / republicans are uniformed / ill informed?
What would you say to a liberal that has lost all understanding of conservative beliefs?
Will the GOP actually ban pornography?
We need to report Google Ai.
Mon voisin se sert de ma maison comme mur de soutènement. Quels risques ?
I’m tired