How many EC's are you putting on your apps?
Retake Ochem 1 or nah?
Does patient care tech count as clinical hours?
Will it make any difference if I apply to Tulane rn vs in one week?
Should I add documents that are optional?
Can you be a good doctor if you’re autistic?
Offline forms?!
friendly or not
Checking in
er volunteer!
Should I retake
Should I work as an EMT overnight
Experiences as a junior transfer
Why is everyone freaking out over applications 😭
Should I add scholarship awards I've been given from my institution under achievements?
Should my resume include Highschool stats/acheivements?
Started my application process now. pls help
Land disputes
Kaplan vs UWorld?
Order of Half Length and FLs?
Order of half-length + FLs?
Kaplan vs UWorld books?
When Should I Expect My Michigan Decision To Come Out?
Stats for people who got into upenn, Columbia, Cornell, Boston University, Vanderbilt and USC and Georgetown
1300 research hour avg?!?!