Low grade is better than no grade!! But their mine
Fridge being repaired, had a dozen eggs to use up, of course it had to be a frittata. Toms on the top I learnt mean you don't get the soggy mush if you have them in the egg.
What's a PlayStation Game that made you cry or very emotional?
No official context for this incident yet
You know you're finally an adult when you sharpen a pencil with a Stanley knife.
Terrified is an understatement
[Homemade] eggs Benedict on crusty bread with bacon
The Lysenko Brothers. All 10 served in the Second World War and all 10 returned, early 70s
Berkshire Pork, Sweet Potato, Turnips in Smoked Butter, Cognac & Mustard Jus
How many fried eggs belong in a sandwich?
[Homemade] Steak and Lobster
First - late night - attempt at a French Omelette [Homemade]
Perfect lookalikes
Corned Beef Pie
Chilli con carni
My local “foodies” group is completely unhinged
Sausages in a Yorkshire Pudding...
Stop Flooding us with "Do i look Georgian" Posts
The simplicity is what makes the bacon butty a UK classic.
Pork chop dinner...
Classico pasta sauce shrink
LPT: To fall asleep
When jammie dodger is life
Elizabeth hurley, 1990s