What does this label mean?
Forget the signs that say don't feed wildlife
This looks like something JOSH from LETS GAME IT OUT would make
Beautiful Cake, and Happy Birthday Wishes to You
I came across this on Pinterest, there's way more images of this, its the bible but as bread? Its really weird there was some ai pics of people eating the bread bible I saw too
They all have the same mouth
Is this fake?
thoughts on this model. seems basic but kinda clean?
Is a 1° tilt considered acceptable? Because I noticed it and it's annoying...
Any thoughts on this?
These Primark resellers are getting out of hand..
Nauseous after watching Sora ai videos
Should I sell a very pricey item on Vinted?
FB AI slop, now with more cats!
Got sold a used body mist and now they are re-selling it…
Pointless reporting function
Anyone know how to remove these stains? bought off vinted and dont even know what it is. they are scattered everywhere, didnt see it in the listing cant return
Hoe ga je om met de vraag "wat wil je er minimaal voor hebben?"?
Buyers and confirming
Perfumes on vinted
Ah yes. Zroy and Vanesca Hudgemss.
More retail AI slop, Easter's on its way
Advice on a potential buy
a follow up from last post…
Just made this show, What should i call it