For the next week, I'm not going to be obsessed with cats.
How'd you get here #4?
Holy shit, I'm bored.
Bye >:D, welcome back :D! :D
Great news! My library has no limit on how many books you can check out at a time
The before and after of my depression room cleaning
I'm anxious, I'm anxious, I'm anxious, I'm anxious
✨welcome to kat’s profile✨
Obligated cat post
Hospitals are boring as fuck
Not dead, just in a hospital
Cats are so fucking adorable.
Killing myself tomorrow!
TIFU by trying to flirt with a girl and accidentally calling her “mom.”
Bro everything hurts I'm gonna throw up
This is one of those rare times I feel suicidal
Announcement- Kat's beef with u/ShoddyPenguinLiker
feel bad for the miniscule bacteria i have killed in my life
lowkey gonna tie him up
I'm so nervous right now and I don't know why.
u/CutesyBleachDrinker i was told to ask u if i could be ur flower girl :DD
I'm going to go do computer science stuff now.
It's weird thinking that people could actually see the dumb shit I post on my profile now.
Life is really chill, huh?