Whos that?
Thats crazy
Best song off the Album Utopia
Is this workout weird?
Couldn‘t finish the mission because of this little guy
I thought I was tweakin
Why does this happen?
Whats your favourite ye song?
Kanye starting a new trend at my school
Yall think music is ever gonna drop?
New minecraft trap door merch dropped
Just bought this car, what should i call it?
What are your thoughts on wheels fall off?
Thoughts on wheels fall off?
I have a dream
Just created this Character. What should I name him?
Just created this character. What should I name him?
Thugger has the best feature on the album change my mind.
Such a goated song
Opinions on this song
Idk where I‘ve found this, its not my art but I think its pretty cool especially because it‘s supposed to be the cover art for the game bully.