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Just announced: Tableau Conference #TC25 Registration is Open! Who is going?
How to manage personal space when WFH
Evaluating the Value of a Costco Membership
Weekly Astoria Dine In/Order Out Thread
Don't skip meals or compensate because you overate
I checked the posts on badges. Based on this comment from u/tastywallet, I can get to level 5 without tier jumping? I only have 30 parcels.
Park Lawn
Guys, where did the traffic go?! I've been asleep did something happen? Where did the traffic go?!
No Longer Using "Bonus" Calories
An extra $500 a day but you don’t know when it stops. How do you budget?
What service or subscription do you pay for that has drastically improved your work, health, or personal life in NYC?
Spam comments about tranferring crypto?
200,000 dollars a year, but you must sell everything you own for no profit.
$500,000 USD/year but you spend half of each year as the opposite gender/sex
What is this desk I really want for my set up
Help losing 5-10 Kgs?
How do you all get this many diamonds??? That’s 28 gems a day for a year.
Age, how much gross pay do you "set aside"
You and your spouse are teleported back to highschool.
Congestion pricing tracker
What do you pay in rent and what city?
Losing weight with a sweet tooth
Is public transportation more expensive than owning a car in New York City regardless of what borough you live in? (excluding Staten Island)
What are the Email reply expectations for you or what do you practice?