I hate ROSE SO MUCH 🤬🤬🤬
Is lost colosseum too overpowered?
Stupid offers in the shop
Does this bother in other plant mains?
Stu is not freaking skilled and i think it needs a giganti nerf
Hot Take: This skin kinda sucks
Draft issue?
Legendary Ruffs, Review wanted (More info in body text)
Players have to hit Accept without seeing any of the ToS changes?
Post to appreciate that Meeple is balanced
This doesn’t make sense I have made 3 posts and they have all been removed
The 200 more damage buff on Maisie was simply clueless
Rant: Mortis is currently the most broken and one of the least skilled brawlers in gem grab
If you use Kenji’s slash attack and then immediately super, the game doesn’t alternate to the dash attack and still keeps your next attack slash. Been here ever since his release
Willow bug #6310475 | now she can drown other players
My internet connection is perfectly fine. Yet this bs happens every 3-4 games. What’s going on ?
What should I have pick?
What Brawler do you think has the most obnoxious voice lines?
Unpopular opinion: assassins aren’t the worst brawlers, spike and other “spray and pray” brawlers are
Y'all any tips on Surge?
Tried to make ‘Sow the Seeds’ an actually usable deck. Thoughts?
For legal reasons, this is a joke
Does anyone else also have to wait a long time to find an opponent as zombies? I tried using a vpn but it didn't solve the problem
Does matching need a rework?
Here is a tier list i made, of all legendary brawlers, based on skill (my opinion)