Drew 🤦🏾♀️
Shouldn’t her baby be sitting up by herself she’s 6 months??
Moving again ....
Ask me anything..
Do you all think she’s selling the outfit baby I wore during her blowout recently and marketing it as “her blowout outfit”
Idk what’s more gross- 🧼 comment or the dirty mirror 🤮
Creepy comment
Lying about eczema!!!!!
Learns it from her mom! Not a flex to be manipulative🥴
wow overnight switcheroo!! 🤡
Not this bum
Oh wow look her kids do like home cooked meals! Listen to how excited they are!! She actually cooked but made sure N got bacon for supper 🙈 give that kid some real food!!!
Druella is using AI
Guys I wiped my ass on the day of my wedding and now I have twins and still wipe my ass!! How CrAzY
Where are you?!
A fake health issue now
Proof …
I’ve never seen someone so happy about their child receiving a “diagnosis” 🤡🙄🤮
Not her commenting on her on video and liking her comment on her video
2/24/25 - BRB I am unwell
These are the types of men she loves being the other woman for….
Baby daddy
Dawn Platinum is off to the city!
WTF her lips just keep getting worse. She really thought this would be cute?!