Got this from eBay for $8
Is better Call Saul as good as breaking bad
Got a 3D projector a couple months ago, what must-have titles am i missing?
Just arrived from Paris, my first order from FNAC. Very fast, shipped on Feb 27th.
New pricing for the new Shout!/Scream Factory steelbooks at Walmart?
My first steelbook! This is the start of my collection (:
FYE store closing, paid $24! Almost didn’t go cause i forgot to go days before and thought it was all cleared out.
Is this river link text message legit or scam, none of my information(plate etc) mentioned, just says I own them $4.35
What’s the best deal for a film you’ve ever had
New DVD for the collection!
Added this to the collection recently. Great movie and a very nice steel.
What are some Musicals you have on Blu-Ray?
Some better detail of the debossing
Case swap!
Just got the French import for under $30! Officially triple dipped lol
Have I Achieved Maximum Juiceage Buddy?
Which TV shows do you wish had a Blu-Ray release?
🎁 r/STEELBOOKS GIVEAWAY 🎁 - Enter for a chance to win a brand new sealed copy of The Sting, E.T., Blazing Saddles CE, or Thanksgiving 4K Steelbooks! 4 WINNERS TOTAL! (See post for details on how to enter)
Any fans? Did not know these were coming, just randomly saw them searching on Target.
Pickups i haven’t posted.
Got all this for $18 at FYE
Finally completed my Godzilla Blu-ray collection : )
Surprisingly Awesome
FREE HOT WHEELS GIVEAWAY #23 STARTS NOW! My first all premium prize. Same rules as always. Live in the USA, comment with your states initials and respond to my chat after giveaway closing. Shipping is on me. Giveaway closes at 3pm AZ time 1-10-25. Keep the new years vibs alive. Winner takes all.