I'm so happy we're finally going to see Joji in action
The newest chapter shows why I hate Ohma now and much prefer Koga. Ohma should never have come back his story ended long ago.
Remember when Kuroki was the strongest character but top tiers could still put a good fight against him? Then Shen came along who is just fifty billion times stronger then every character combined. I love power creep.
Xiaomi Electric Scooter Fast Charger - Is this compatible with the Xiaomi 4 pro Ultra?
Rodger making Buggy give up on his dreams because he made it obvious Shanks was his favourite by giving him his strawhat was such a dick move
Top tier feats against the elderly 😭 🙏🏾
A True Gentleman
“Romance Dawn Trio” fighting an 80 years old man
Friendly reminder to Zoro fans without Oden's Haki he would still be no diffed by Yeti Cool Brothers
Were the holy knights created just to give the strawhats more opponents now that they are yonko crew so only other yonko crews and top tier marines stand a chance against them?
Serious question how much damage would Zoro do to Sanji using just armament Haki, no conquerors while Sanji is using his daddy's genes?
Wanji learning from his parallel how to deal with mid tiers 👀
The New Monster Trio - Wranky, General Wranky and the ship Wranky built
Meet the new Weakling Trio - Sleepy, Wheezy and Eye Diff
So apparently, Zoro is considered Yonko-level just because he blocked one of Gaban’s slashes meant for Luffy. Keep in mind, Luffy handled most of them except for that one. This fandom will never stop being delusional.
The new Weakling Trio - Sleepy, Wheezy and Eye Diff
Buggy is no longer the weakest Yonko
Double Standards
How can you continue to support a serial revenge pornographer who manipulates woman.
In a fight over 16 year old girl who wins Prime Rayleigh or EOS Sanji
They all are wearing the same floral shirt, another parallel for Sanji the goat. He's on par with Garp and Gabban
Scooper looks alright compared to Rayleigh I think it's just highlights how Oda's art has gotten worse over the years
Isn't Copper stronger than Silver?
Who wins?
Based off 1139 What diff does EoS sanji beat mihawk?